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The truth about isolation

Updated: Aug 26, 2022

We are BACK! And so excited to be back!

Here is my very honest version of lock down and my journey over the past 10 weeks. Enjoy the read and know that I'm OK ha ha.

The past 10 weeks, yes it has been 10 weeks have been very interesting to say the least. The truth is........It has been the hardest, most stressful but productive time of my life!

I feel like I have been on an emotional rollercoaster... in the bipolar cabin (insert crazy face). Some days I would wake up and I had it all together, I would start my day with a workout, have a shower, put make up on (shower and make up was huge haha) and then kill it with what ever the day presented, whether that be homeschooling or working on the business.

Then other days I would barely scrape through the day, starting with a phone call to my mum of me crying saying I can't do this anymore! The homeschooling for me was the absolute pitts, my kids hated every second of it and we just ended up fighting and yelling and screaming at each other, all 3 of us ending in tears.

I felt trapped! and as much as I am grateful for the 3 bedroom unit I rent, it is a 3 bedroom unit! I had 2 kids in it 24/7, and it doesn't matter how many walks you go on, it still didn't help.

One upside of being divorced is that I got a break from the kids every week when they went to their dads haha. This helped A LOT and allowed me to recharge my patience.

I take my hat off to everyone who had their kids the whole lock-down. You are super stars!

On the positive / productive side we have done some amazing things behind the scenes for the business which we could not have done had we still have been working.

If you were following our socials you will see my RP Peel skin journey, if you haven't, check it out in the blog.

After seeing my results the girls were amazed and wanted to try it for themselves, so we all experienced our advanced treatment which literally wipes off 10 years!

* We also started an online shopping cart.......been on my to do list for years!

* Mary and I sat our validation exams for DMK and became paramedical skin therapists!

* We had weekly zoom meetings with our DMK rep Shelley and fellow DMK salons, we learnt so much and became more connected than ever......these zooms quickly became the highlight of my week!

* We have studied DMK inside out and backwards and are ready to transform lives by transforming skin!

Daily deliveries became the new normal, I loved it, it got me out of the house and doing something different. The kids not so much....haha, I ended up bribing with extra Ipad time just so they would get in the car.

To all of you beautiful clients I want to say a HUGE thank you for your kind words and support over this very trying time not just for me but for any business.

You make Beauty Indulgence what it is, and why I do what I do!

We became closer as a team and helped each other through work and emotional issues over this time. Taking it in turns to have our breakdowns so one was always good to pick the other up....haha!

I can not express my gratitude enough for the 2 amazing ladies I get the pleasure of working with, I honestly could not have made it through without them.

Ashlee and Mary are 2 of the most beautiful souls I have ever met in my life, and I am so excited that as of Monday I get to see them every day again.

On the break we also got new bedding for the rooms and have added electric blankets to them so you will be toasty warm when you come in for your skin treatment.

We can not wait to get back to work and deliver exceptional customer service to you!

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