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Get spoilt for Mother's Day

Pass this onto the kids so they get the hint!

Two more weeks have passed in Isolation!

After the launch of our online shop we focused our attention on getting the Mother's Day pamphlets ready to send out. We had to staple 3000 inserts in because of the changes due to COVID-19! (Yes really... 3000!)

So Ash and I had a day together stapling, laughing and ordering food.......

Mary took some home and got her kids working for her......ha ha ha

I am super excited about the Mother's Day promotion and feel like it is really fitting for what we are currently going through at the moment.

We are being forced to stay at home and focus on the ones who are most important to us. And although at times my kids make me want to pull my hair out at the end of the day they are the only thing that matter, I am quickly starting to see that as long as I can provide food, shelter and a nice comfy bed for them to sleep in at night then I am one successful woman!

I am getting emotional whilst writing this on Easter Saturday as my 2 little munchkins wanted to have a 'family' sleep over with me (that just means we are all in the one bed lol) I am so grateful that I get to spend this time in Isolation with them when it could be a very different feeling of loneliness and depression.

So from my family to yours I truly hope that this prize be cherished and remembered forever as the post COVID-19 lockdown photos of the family that survived each other.

With my mother's day promotion ideas in my head I told Ash what I wanted to do and once again she found the right person for the job. After she spoke to the team from Megagraphics in Strathmore I went to meet him and he was an amazing fit.

Meeting Mercury to discuss our plans for the promotion, I quickly realised he was the best person for this job.

He invited the kids to do a photo shoot with him. His skills, dedication and experience was everything we were looking for to make this our best prize yet!

Mercury was amazing with the kids and had them laughing and entertained the whole time. At one stage he prentended to be a giant bunny rabbit using leaves as ears, we were all in fits of laughter.

His talent and passion for photography is unbelievable and now I wish I could enter the competition!

The end result turned out beautiful (I am a little biased but none the less they are amazing photos.)

So although we are not in clinic we thought why not go ahead with this promotion anyway as it will be something to look forward to coming out of Isolation.

Together as a team we are using this time in lockdown to educate and grow, we are studying and making sure our skin knowledge is top notch for when we come back. Having weekly zoom meetings with our DMK Rep to keep us on track and up to date.

Myself and Mary sat our Validation last week and passed! So we are super excited to both join Ash in being Paramedical Skin Therapists.

Rebuilding Skin, Rebuilding lives We are here for phone skin consultations to help you with your skin goals, contact us and we will organise a time to call you and discuss any concerns you have.

Gift Vouchers are now valid for 3 years!

So rest assured they will be plenty of Time to Indulge

Mum is definitely going to need some R & R after this Lockdown so why not spoil her with a gift voucher! When this is all over she can enjoy a well earned pamper session!

  • We are still here for you, you can contact us via email or on our website and socials!

  • You can purchase all your favorite products online now.

  • We can't wait to see you soon, we miss everyone so much!

We hope you had a lovely Easter!

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